Worship Artist
Worship connects, challenges, comforts, and inspires us to lead lives that are more just, loving, and whole. It is sacred, worthy work. I feel called to the liturgical arts of preaching and designing the arc of worship.
I enjoy leading informal and formal, traditional and innovative, and low tech and high tech services. I aim to co-create services that are coherent and cohesive and build towards a theme or message that is relevant to this particular time for a congregation and/or for world events. My topics are inspired by the pressing issues of our time, world religions, holidays, history, theology, spiritual practices, UU identity, the sciences, and the arts.
While I receive many compliments about services, I am always looking to grow as a worship leader. I also enjoy mentoring others in developing their skills for creating services. This time of social distancing has offered a potent opportunity to reimagine how we worship and to experiment with emerging possibilities.
"Re-Storying Hope"
It was an honor and a privilege to be asked to design and lead the Sunday Morning Worship and preach at a General Assembly with over 4000 people in attendance.
Recent, In-Person Services Last Fall
"Moving Forward Through Uncertainty"
Our annual spiritual theme is “Keep On Moving Forward! or ¡Sigamos Adelante!” Let us explore how we can grow more resilient as we encounter uncertainty in our lives.
"gratitude & Grace"
As we move towards Thanksgiving & the holiday season, let us engage in an annual practice of tuning into the virtue of gratitude.