Rev. Alison Miller

Called to co-create communities of courage, creativity, and compassion...

Welcome! On this website, you’ll find out more about me as the spiritual leader of a congregation, as a community leader in our town, county, and state, and as a denomination leader in Unitarian Universalism. 


Unitarian Universalism comes alive in relationships. The primary place this happens is in our congregations. I have felt the call to lead and serve in our congregations from my youth to this day.


Ours is a covenantal faith, which includes a set of ethical promises about how we live in the world. I am a minister who embodies these commitments within and beyond our walls.


Our tradition includes congregations, campuses, justice ministries, and the web. I am engaged in strengthening the networks that fuel our faith and nourish UUs everywhere.


As UUs, we model one faith with room for many beliefs. The beauty is that as peoples’ theological understandings inevitably evolve over time, ours is a community that can grow and change with them. For us, what is ultimate is the call of love, which has many expressions.

About Me

I am a minister, mother, wife, mentor, writer, speaker, interfaith leader, and community organizer. Click Read More to find out a little bit about my biography and my family.

General Assembly Sermon,
"Re-Storying Hope"

"What are the stories you and your congregation are living into? The stories you tell are powerful spiritual tools. They impact the way you see the world and how you respond to it. One story may cause you to be fearful and less resilient in the face of uncertainty and challenge. While another story may provide the fuel you need to find hope and strength, compassion and creativity."
REv. Alison Miller
Unitarian Universalist minister
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